18 April 2011

Newspaper Lizard

After the holidays I'm going to be teaching a unit on armatures in textiles. One of the easiest ways for me to make an armature is to use newspaper and masking tape. Below is the process I used for making my lizard. 

I started by rolling up the main body shape.

I then rolled up the legs and bent them so that he will stand up. I used masking tape to tape the legs on.

This is what the lizard looks like from upside down with his legs on. 

Next I folded up some newspaper to make his feet. This is them before they are attached. I also added a thin rolled up piece of newspaper to lengthen his tail.

He now has his feet attached.

In this photo you can see that I started packing out the body shape and around the top of the tail.

A closeup view of the main body area that I was building up.

I've started shaping the head in this photo. I basically put a ball of paper on the head area and taped it. 

This is finished head on the lizard.

My finished lizard at this point. I won't finish him any further until I show him to my students. Eventually he will wrapped in fabric and have spiky toes as well.

I just read back through what I wrote and realised that somehow my lizard has become a male. I'm not sure why I always name things or give them a gender. Cars, plants, etc. Hmmm.

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